Monday, July 9, 2007

Treasure Your First Amendment

The recent Independence Day holiday reminds me of how important our First Amendment rights are to us. We all take for granted our right to say whatever we think without fear of retribution. The founding fathers saw first hand what happened to people who spoke against the government: imprisonment, loss of property, harassment. It's amazing that the principal of free speech, the very first of the 10 amendments which make up the Bill of Rights of our Constitution, applies just as much today as it did in the 1700's. Yet we face a never-ending assault on the First Amendment by well-meaning and sometimes not-so-well-meaning people who want to legislate the way we think. How many of you know what the 10 amendments are that make up the original Bill of Rights? Now's the time to get familiar. Remember, we we don't know what our rights are, we can't preserve them. Many people fought and died to secure those rights for us over the years. We should honor their memories.

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